I installed Yendif Video Share (at the moment the free version) and I'm testing on my pilot site (
), I found it an excellent program, so I wanted some clarifications if possible:
- both in Categories Menu (player setting/playback settings/autoplay=yes) and in Global Configuration (player settings/playback settings/autoplay=yes) I have selected the video autoplay, but then on the front end the video doesn't start if I don't push on the play, why?
- I have selected in Categories Menu/details/click to open=new window with navigation, but then on the front end it doesn't work (the video-player opens in the same window), why?
- I tried to change the order of the category list in Categories Menu/Gallery settings/order by=custom ordering, but then on the front end it doesn't work, always sorts me categories based on the latest, why? (with a few categories it's not a problem, just rename them, but I wanted to know if I'm wrong).
Thanks for your attention and best regards.