I'm using the Tabs plugin from Regular Labs (
) to prevent my pages to become to long, forcing the user to scroll a lot.
The basic notation of the Tabs plugin is:
{tab Tab Title 1}
Your text...
{tab Tab Title 2}
Your text...
I can use this plugin together with other components (e.g. JoomGallery)
{tab Gallery}
<div>{loadposition feldkirch}</div>
{tab Downloads}
<div class="one-half">{jd_file file==256}</div>
<div class="one-half last">{jd_file file==257}</div>
<div class="one-half">{jd_file file==258}</div>
<div class="one-half last">{jd_file file==259}.</div>
But when i add a new tab to add a single video or a video playlist,
<div>{tab Filmklip}</div>
<div>{yendifplayer catid=6 orderby=a_z limit=6}</div>
<div>{tab Komoot}</div>
<div>{yendifplayer videoid=8}</div>
the size of the video/playlist is not showing correctly.
Please have a look at the attached screenprint.