Steps to migrate from Yendif Video Share 1.2.8 to Yendif Video Share 2.1.4
1. If you are using older versions of Yendif Video Share, make sure you have upgraded to Yendif Video Share 1.2.8 first before moving to Yendif Video Share 2.1.4 Migration
2. Also please make sure you are running the latest Joomla 3.10.x version before proceeding. If not, Please upgrade to Joomla 3.10.x version
3. Now you can migrate your site from Joomla 3.10.x to Joomla 4.x/5.x. Please refer
4. Finally, you can install Yendif Video Share 2.1.4 in your Joomla 4.x/5.x site and upgrade Yendif Video Share without losing your data
Upgrade Notice:
Here are some important notifications to the users who are already using Yendif Video Share in Joomla 3.x site and trying to upgrade it to the Yendif Video Share for Joomla 4/5 site.
1. Frontend user Video Submission:
Set permission for your users to CREATE, EDIT, DELETE videos based on Joomla User Groups
Check the below steps to configure:
1. Log in to your Joomla backend
2. Select "Components --> Yendif Video Share --> Videos"
3. Here in the right top, you will have the "Options" button
4. Just click "Options --> Yendif Video Share --> Permissions"
5. Here you can set user capabilities for all user roles that are available on your site
To disable Auto Approve User Videos for registered users, Please Select the user group (EX: REGISTERED) and set "Edit State" to "Denied" and save it and check
2. SEF Settings:
We removed the "SEF Settings" under our extension settings and we added the "SEO tab" under our "settings -- Advanced tab"
1. Category Menu - Menu item in which the component should display videos from a category. The selected menu item should use the component's categories layout.
2. Video Menu - Menu item in which the video should play when selecting a video item from the gallery. The selected menu item should use our component's videos layout.
Still, having issues? You can either post your query in our forum section or mail it directly to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All your queries will be replied to within 24 hrs.