Yendif Video Share - Schedule Video Publishing

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Schedule Video Publishing

Yendif Video Share 1.1.0 comes with a new feature that allows you to schedule your videos to publish automatically after a certain date and time.

For example, you may need to add a video in your site tomorrow. Starting from Yendif Video Share 1.1.0, you can add the video today itself and configure it to start showing from tomorrow. We call this process as "Schedule Video Publishing"

To schedule your video publishing,

1. You will first need to go to Components -> Yendif Video Share => Global Configuration => User Settings, find the config option "Schedule video publishing", set it to Yes.

2. Then go to Components => Yendif Video Share => Videos. Click "New" to add a new Video. Add Title, Category and Video files using the options provided.

3. Then, find the option "Start Publishing Date" and select the date in which you need to publish the video.

4. Then, find the option "Finish Publishing Date" and select the date in which you need to unpublish the video.

5. Finally, you need to set the "Enable" status to "Yes". If "Enable" status is set to No, then Yendif Video Share will still not publish your video even if the set Start Publishing Date has arrived.

Video Scheduling Date


When you scheduling the video display, there are some important notes:

But what if your watch says that it is now within the publish window set for your video, but your video is still not showing up. Well, your Joomla website does not know what time is showing on your watch. Joomla only knows the time as it is set on your web host's server. Usually, your web host has this is set correctly according to their local time at the location of the web host server.

However, different parts of the world have different time zones. What is Friday in one part of the world is Thursday in another part of the world.

Check also that you have your time zone set correctly in "Site -> Global Configuration -> Server".

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