Yendif Music Share - Adding Artists

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Add (or) Edit artists

  1. Login to your Joomla admin
  2. Select "Components => Yendif Music Share => Artists"
  3. Click "New" to add a new artist or "Edit" to make changes in the existing artist. Then, fill in the form as per the following instructions,

    General Settings

    Artists General Settings

    Option Description Example
    Name Name for your artist Michael Jackson

    Aliases are short pieces of text that represent the title of the artist in a machine-friendly format. Read more

    Note: Yendif Music Share will automatically generate the field value if it's left empty. So, it's recommended to leave this blank, if you're unsure about this.


    Image for the Artist.

    Supported formats : jpg, png, gif

    Review Add Review content for your artist. -
    Select user Owner of the artist user
    Publish Option to enable or disable the artist Yes

    SEO Settings

    Artists SEO Settings

    Option Description Example
    Meta Keywords Custom Meta Keywords to your artist page (Use comma to separate multiple meta keywords). Michael Jackson Albums, Michael Jackson Songs
    Meta Description Custom Meta Description to your artist page. Michael Jackson Albums
  4. Click Save at the top of the page
  5. Congrats, you successfully added an artist. Follow the same steps to add multiple artists as per your need.

What next ? Adding Albums

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