Yendif Music Share - Adding Songs

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Add (or) Edit songs

Songs General Settings

  1. Login to your Joomla admin
  2. Select "Components => Yendif Music Share => Songs"
  3. Click "New" to add a new song or "Edit" to make changes in the existing song. Then, fill in the form as per the following instructions,

    Option Description Example
    Title Title for your song My First Song
    Select genre Select genre for your song. ROCK
    Select album Select album for your song. THRILLER
    Select artists Select artists for your song. You can add multiple artists MICHAEL JACKSON
    Audio file Add or upload your MP3 | WAV | OGG audio files. We always recommend using MP3 as it gives a complete cross browser support with the aid of Flash. This makes your song playable anywhere. song.mp3

    Image for the song.

    Supported formats : jpg, png, gif

    Duration An optional field that gets the song duration. Displayed in song playlists 00:00
    Select user Owner of the song user
    Publish Option to enable or disable the song Yes
  4. Click Save at the top of the page
  5. Congrats, you successfully added a song. Follow the same steps to add more songs.

What next ? Global Configuration

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